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Twirl-Operator  Example 

This operator applies a nonlinear deformation to an image.


Name        Possible Values/Unit            Description

Input       STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8       input buffer
Ouput       STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8       output buffer
FallOff     IN, OUT                         radial direction of the fall-off of
                                            the deformation
CentreX,    pixels                          centre of the effect
CentreY     pixels
Radius      pixels                          radius of the affected circular region of the image
Amount      degrees                         twirl amount, very large value like 1000 are allowed
Power       float                           parameter describing the local deformation, large
                                            values like 6.0 concentrate the deformation around
                                            the centre of the circle
Zoom        -10.0...10.0                    zoom-factor for the affected circular region